Is Your Child Trying to Avoid School?

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– Good morning, Tim! It’s time to get up! Time to go to school!

– I’m not feeling well… *very poor cough*

We might not remember anymore, but we were kids once too (the good old times…), and we didn’t always like going to school. But we always had our reasons. And those reasons really mattered to us. They kept us awake at night, took away our appetite, made us sad and anxious. And the worst part is that, most times, we didn’t know how to handle or express these emotions, so our parents didn’t really know if something was going on.

If you think your child might be trying to avoid going to school, keep reading, this post might come in handy! (more…)

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Helping Siblings Get Along: A Home Odissey

Helping Siblings Get Along: A Home Odissey

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Although we know siblings will eventually become pretty much best friends, beginnings are usually tough. Relationships between young siblings have everything an Oscar-nominated film needs: jealousy, drama, conflict, tears and some (easy to spot) manipulation. (more…)

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Starting to Talk: Speech and Language Development

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We all want our children to start talking, and then, one day, they do. And they never stop. Not complaining, just saying. Thing is, sometimes we don’t know if they’re developing this skill at the right pace, or if they are struggling in any way. So let’s take a look at that. (more…)

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How to Make Your Child Love Maths

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Maths are cool; unfortunately, most kids don’t find them attractive. Why? Mainly because, unlike reading or drawing –which are learnt through fun activities –, maths are usually associated with school and homework. So basically, to make your child love maths, you need to make them feel like they are a game. (more…)

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Toddlers and TV: Should They Watch It?

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So your toddler loves TV, huh? Welcome to the club. All toddlers do. And it makes sense, to be honest. There’s a lot going on: colours, cartoons, noises… it’s like a whole universe inside a box. So  you might be wondering if it’s ok for your toddler to watch TV. And, if it is, how many hours a day/week you should let them do it. (more…)

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From Crib to Bed: All You Need to Know

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Your toddler is a total crib lover and you don’t know what to do to make them use the beautiful and incredibly comfortable bed you bought for them? You are not sure if it’s already the right time to move them from crib to bed? Whatever your question is, we have the answer. Or maybe not, but let’s hope we do! (more…)

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Parenting in Public: Humble Tips From Fellow Parents

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Kids sometimes make a scene, it happens. The problem is it can happen anywhere: at the supermarket, at a restaurant, during a family reunion, at school, on a plane… And, well, you probably don’t enjoy feeling observed, or even judged. Because we know that happens, we’ve been there. Being judged, not judging, obvs.

But hey, we come to help, or at least to try! So here go some tips that worked for us, and we hope will work for you too. (more…)

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Bed-Wetting: Why It Happens and What to Do About It

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First of all, don’t panic. Bed-wetting –also called nighttime incontinence or nocturnal enuresis –is more common than you think: 20% of 5-year-olds wet their bed. This number gradually goes down: 10% of 7-year-olds wet their bed; and 5% of 10-year-olds still don’t fully control their bladder at night.

In fact, bed-wetting before age 7 is not a problem; it’s just that your child is still developing their bladder control. (more…)

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Funny Stages Kids Go Through (Without Exception)

Behaviours as old as time. No matter what, no matter when, no matter where, there are some funny stages all kids go through. Some of them are hilarious, some of them are sometimes embarrassing, some of them can be a bit annoying, but fortunately, they all just come and go. (more…)

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