Why Your Kids Need Privacy and How You Can Give It to Them

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Worrying is part of being a parent. The moment we have a kid, we know it’s going to be decades of worrying pretty much all the time. However, kids need privacy, their own space where they can feel free and be themselves. It’s not like they aren’t themselves or comfortable around you. It’s just that… come on, you’re an adult, and they are kids. You are… “OLD”. (more…)

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22 Weird Things Kids Do that We Did But Don’t Understand Now

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Sometimes our kids do stuff we just don’t understand. But hey, just a friendly reminder that we were kids too, and we totally did the same gross/weird things back in the days. We might feel very civilised now, but this wasn’t always the case. So we hope you enjoy this trip back in time list of weird things kids do that you find gross now but you totally did too. (more…)

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9 Tips to Make Your Kid Sleep Without the Whole Thing Becoming a Drama

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You struggle with sending your kid to sleep every day? You are not alone. At all. Personal experience moment: before having a kid, I used to look at my cat sleep and think “so boring… my cat is always sleeping, I want to play with him”. Now I have a child and I just wish he were a bit more like my dear cat.

Anyway, let’s start off with the basics… (more…)

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