Starting to Talk: Speech and Language Development

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We all want our children to start talking, and then, one day, they do. And they never stop. Not complaining, just saying. Thing is, sometimes we don’t know if they’re developing this skill at the right pace, or if they are struggling in any way. So let’s take a look at that. (more…)

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How to Make Your Child Love Maths

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Maths are cool; unfortunately, most kids don’t find them attractive. Why? Mainly because, unlike reading or drawing –which are learnt through fun activities –, maths are usually associated with school and homework. So basically, to make your child love maths, you need to make them feel like they are a game. (more…)

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Toddlers and TV: Should They Watch It?

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So your toddler loves TV, huh? Welcome to the club. All toddlers do. And it makes sense, to be honest. There’s a lot going on: colours, cartoons, noises… it’s like a whole universe inside a box. So  you might be wondering if it’s ok for your toddler to watch TV. And, if it is, how many hours a day/week you should let them do it. (more…)

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Transfer of Learning: What Is It And Why Is It So Important

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Screens are everywhere. In 2015, 83% of all 18 to 49 year olds in the US –the age group most likely to have young children –owned a smartphone. It’s kind of clear that screens have become a daily reality, and at Kokoro Kids, we want to make sure kids use them wisely. But kids are kids, and wisdom comes with age. So it’s us –parents –who need to make sure the time our kids spend in front of the screen is useful. How? (more…)

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Pacifier: Yes? No? Until When? Find Out!

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Oh… pacifiers. They do bring peace and happiness to the household, don’t they? However, many parents worry their child might become a pacifier-addict who won’t ever want to stop suckling. Well, let’s see what we can find out about pacifiers today! Should we fear them that much? Should we praise them? (more…)

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Low Grades: What to Do When Your Child Does Poorly at School

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Ideally, parenting would be super easy and every child would be driven, focused and would have a deep love for study. In reality, kids are not always like that, there are some unicorns, sure, but it’s not the most usual thing.

And, as parents, our first response when (or “if”) our child comes home with low grades, might be getting mad, punishing them or restricting their social activities. However, a study carried out by the University of Michigan has just proved this sort of approach actually just makes things worse. In this study, researchers asked the parents of 500 children what they would do if their kid got home with low grades. They sorted the parents’ responses into two categories: punitive and proactive. (more…)

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Bath Time: All You Need to Know to Make Your Kid Enjoy It

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Many kids see bath time as wasted time. This goes on until puberty hits them with “I like this kid from class, so I must smell good”. Been there, done that. So, as always, we want to help out. How? Well, by giving you some guidelines on how to bathe your kid by age! (more…)

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22 Weird Things Kids Do that We Did But Don’t Understand Now

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Sometimes our kids do stuff we just don’t understand. But hey, just a friendly reminder that we were kids too, and we totally did the same gross/weird things back in the days. We might feel very civilised now, but this wasn’t always the case. So we hope you enjoy this trip back in time list of weird things kids do that you find gross now but you totally did too. (more…)

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Reading: At What Age Should I Expect my Kid to Do It?

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Do you remember reading (or rather pretending to read) your favourite stories when you were a little kid? Or begging your parents to read you (just once more!) your favourite book? Learning to read is a big deal for every kid. And for their parents. But when should your kid be able to read a book or a short story? Should you worry or is your kid totally fine?

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