Starting to Talk: Speech and Language Development

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We all want our children to start talking, and then, one day, they do. And they never stop. Not complaining, just saying. Thing is, sometimes we don’t know if they’re developing this skill at the right pace, or if they are struggling in any way. So let’s take a look at that. (more…)

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Toddlers and TV: Should They Watch It?

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So your toddler loves TV, huh? Welcome to the club. All toddlers do. And it makes sense, to be honest. There’s a lot going on: colours, cartoons, noises… it’s like a whole universe inside a box. So  you might be wondering if it’s ok for your toddler to watch TV. And, if it is, how many hours a day/week you should let them do it. (more…)

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Funny Stages Kids Go Through (Without Exception)

Behaviours as old as time. No matter what, no matter when, no matter where, there are some funny stages all kids go through. Some of them are hilarious, some of them are sometimes embarrassing, some of them can be a bit annoying, but fortunately, they all just come and go. (more…)

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