From Crib to Bed: All You Need to Know

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Your toddler is a total crib lover and you don’t know what to do to make them use the beautiful and incredibly comfortable bed you bought for them? You are not sure if it’s already the right time to move them from crib to bed? Whatever your question is, we have the answer. Or maybe not, but let’s hope we do! (more…)

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5 Tips to Make Your Kid Get Up Early Without Anyone Crying (Much)

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From the creators of 9 Tips to Make Your Kid Sleep Without the Whole Thing Becoming a Drama arrives How to Make Your Kid Get Up Early Without Anyone Crying (Much)We know, we know, it sounds like Sci-Fi. Every time your alarm goes off, you just feel like snoozing forever, but you can’t. You mustn’t. You must get up and deal with… THE KID. Or even THE KIDS. (more…)

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9 Tips to Make Your Kid Sleep Without the Whole Thing Becoming a Drama

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You struggle with sending your kid to sleep every day? You are not alone. At all. Personal experience moment: before having a kid, I used to look at my cat sleep and think “so boring… my cat is always sleeping, I want to play with him”. Now I have a child and I just wish he were a bit more like my dear cat.

Anyway, let’s start off with the basics… (more…)

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