9 Tips to Make Your Kid Sleep Without the Whole Thing Becoming a Drama

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You struggle with sending your kid to sleep every day? You are not alone. At all. Personal experience moment: before having a kid, I used to look at my cat sleep and think “so boring… my cat is always sleeping, I want to play with him”. Now I have a child and I just wish he were a bit more like my dear cat.

Anyway, let’s start off with the basics… (more…)

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Chalkboard Paint: Make the World Their Canvas!

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As we’ve said before, kids like to express their most creative selves in many different ways. Some of them are OK, some of them are a bit of a pain in the neck inconvenient, like painting on walls. Thing is, wouldn’t you paint on a wall if you could? We’d definitely do it! So, why not dedicate some space of your house to this activity? It will be fun not only for kids, but for the whole family! You’ll just need one thing: chalkboard paint. (more…)

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8 tips to make your kid not hate homework

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Now kids are back to school, let’s get to something we all (parents) worry about: homework. Many times, we feel we are fully responsible for how our kids do in school. And we tend to think controlling how and when they do their homework is the easiest way to track (and hopefully improve) their academic performance, but it certainly is not the most efficient one. (more…)

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Homemade Playdough: how to make it

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Toddlers and kids love making things with their hands. That’s a fact. Whether it’s something harmless like making shapes and “snakes” out of playdough, or something a bit more inconvenient, like expressing “their deepest thoughts” by grabbing some paint and using the walls as canvas –something we will talk about very soon, by the way –. Since we’d all rather they picked the former option, we’ve thought it would be cool to share with you this super easy homemade playdough recipe.


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5 ways to develop fine motor skills

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In most cases, kids learn to walk, jump and run without much encouragement needed. We could say they learn to do that without giving us enough time to assimilate it. One day they crawl, the next day they are running like crazy with their nappy around their head and chocolate all over their face. (more…)

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