5 Tips to Make Your Kid Get Up Early Without Anyone Crying (Much)

5 Tips to Make Your Kid Get Up Early Without Anyone Crying (Much)

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From the creators of 9 Tips to Make Your Kid Sleep Without the Whole Thing Becoming a Drama arrives How to Make Your Kid Get Up Early Without Anyone Crying (Much)We know, we know, it sounds like Sci-Fi. Every time your alarm goes off, you just feel like snoozing forever, but you can’t. You mustn’t. You must get up and deal with… THE KID. Or even THE KIDS.

We mean, getting up early is a drama on its own. It’s not like it’s ever going to be nice and chill –unless you are an early riser who likes getting up early and seizing the day, in which case, we hate you are very jealous –, but it can certainly be easier.

So let’s move on to what brought us here:

How to Make Your Kid Get Up Earlier

1. Play them some music they like

Hugh Grant in Love Actually dancing from lernin blog, tips to make your kid get up early

Active music, obviously. Otherwise you’ll just make them want to sleep in. [Personal experience that worked: my dad used to play me Cosmic Girl by Jamiroquai in the morning and I always got up feeling super active!] Music really affects our mood, it’s a fact, so make the most out of it!

2. Put them to bed early

As we’ve said before, it’s very important for a kid to get a decent amount of sleep, so make sure they sleep at least 8 hours every night, and it will be easier for them to get up in the morning.

3. Make them prepare everything at night

If they choose their clothes for the following day before they go to bed, they’ll avoid some dreadful time in front of their wardrobe in the morning.

4. Give them something to get up early for

For example, if they know breakfast is going to be nice, it will be easier for them to get up early. It’s not like you have to spend 24398 hours making their breakfast look Pinterest-like, it’s more about letting them have breakfast while watching some videos on YouTube, or an episode of their favourite show. Or playing Kokoro Kids, available on the App Store and Google Play!

5. Allow yourself to some cuddling time

Dumbo cuddling with his mum from lernin blog, Tips to make your kid get up early

Wake them up with some love and cuddle and everyone will get up feeling super happy. Oooor… will make you two fall asleep, in which case, oh well… zzzzzzz.

We hope you find these tips useful! If you have your own trick to make your kid get up early without the whole thing becoming a drama, please share it with us on the comments, on our Facebook page or on Twitter!