DIY Halloween Spooktacular Decoration Ideas

DIY Halloween Spooktacular Decoration Ideas

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Halloween is coming! We know, we know, stores have been claiming so for ages already, but we didn’t want to get too overexcited too soon. Anyway, now Halloween is really round the corner, we want to share with you some DIY Halloween decoration ideas that will make your house a bit spookier (and incredibly cute).

We’ve gathered some of the cutest DIY Halloween decoration ideas we’ve found on Pinterest (always making sure they are easy to make, as always). We hope you like them!

Our favourite DIY Halloween Decoration Ideas

Toilet paper rolls bats

Bats made of toilet paper from Hallowe'en Decoration Ideas, lernin blog

Super cute and easy to make, you and your kid will have great fun making these adorable bats. You’ll just need some toilet paper rolls, some pens and some cardboard. In these two posts (1 and 2), you will find all the info you need to make your own bats!

 Ghost windsock

Make your garden more spooky with these windsocks. You’ll just need:

  • Some large tin cans (don’t forget to remove the label!)
  • A hammer
  • A screwdriver
  • White paint (spray paint works)
  • Black Paint
  • Some white ribbon
  • Hot glue
  • Some strong fishing line
  • Paperclip

And then, follow the instructions the amazing Chicken Scratch NY provide on their blog!

Treat bags

Treat bags from DIY Halloween Decoration Ideas, lernin blog
via Darice

Your kid will love trick-or-treating (even more) with these beautiful DIY treat bags. They are super easy to make, and options are endless! Find all the instructions to make your own treat bags here!

Mason Jar Jack-O’-Lanterns

Mason Jar Jack-O'-Lanterns from DIY Halloween Decoration Ideas, lernin blog
via CreatingLaura

If you want to have a lit (see what I did there?) garden, these Jack-O’-Lanterns will do the trick, while you give kids treats! They are truly super easy to make. You’ll just need some mason jars, masking tape, white spray paint, and a pair of scissors. Find the instructions to make your own Jack-O’-Lanterns here!

Spider web curtains

DIY spider webs from DIY Hallween Decoration Ideas, lernin blog
via HGTV

These plastic bag spider webs can be easily made with some (unused –lol –) black plastic bags and a pair of scissors! Find the instructions on how to cut the bags to make it look like spider webs here!

Garden monsters

Garden monsters, from DIY Halloween Decoration Ideas, lernin blog
via agirlandagluegun

We totally loved this idea when we saw it! Add some huge googly eyes to your plants and make them look like the cutest monsters! All the steps to make your own googly eyed monsters here!

Soooo… what’s your favourite craft? How do you usually decorate your house and your garden on Halloween? Let us know in the comments or on Facebook and Twitter! And, if you liked this post, don’t hesitate to check out our other DIY posts!