Funny Stages Kids Go Through (Without Exception)

Behaviours as old as time. No matter what, no matter when, no matter where, there are some funny stages all kids go through. Some of them are hilarious, some of them are sometimes embarrassing, some of them can be a bit annoying, but fortunately, they all just come and go. (more…)

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Pacifier: Yes? No? Until When? Find Out!

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Oh… pacifiers. They do bring peace and happiness to the household, don’t they? However, many parents worry their child might become a pacifier-addict who won’t ever want to stop suckling. Well, let’s see what we can find out about pacifiers today! Should we fear them that much? Should we praise them? (more…)

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Low Grades: What to Do When Your Child Does Poorly at School

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Ideally, parenting would be super easy and every child would be driven, focused and would have a deep love for study. In reality, kids are not always like that, there are some unicorns, sure, but it’s not the most usual thing.

And, as parents, our first response when (or “if”) our child comes home with low grades, might be getting mad, punishing them or restricting their social activities. However, a study carried out by the University of Michigan has just proved this sort of approach actually just makes things worse. In this study, researchers asked the parents of 500 children what they would do if their kid got home with low grades. They sorted the parents’ responses into two categories: punitive and proactive. (more…)

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Bath Time: All You Need to Know to Make Your Kid Enjoy It

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Many kids see bath time as wasted time. This goes on until puberty hits them with “I like this kid from class, so I must smell good”. Been there, done that. So, as always, we want to help out. How? Well, by giving you some guidelines on how to bathe your kid by age! (more…)

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Why Your Kids Need Privacy and How You Can Give It to Them

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Worrying is part of being a parent. The moment we have a kid, we know it’s going to be decades of worrying pretty much all the time. However, kids need privacy, their own space where they can feel free and be themselves. It’s not like they aren’t themselves or comfortable around you. It’s just that… come on, you’re an adult, and they are kids. You are… “OLD”. (more…)

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Travelling with Kids Without Wanting to Give Up On Life

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“Are we there yet? How long will it take? Muuuuum, Mike is trying to steal my toy from me! I want to throw uuuuup. I need to peeeeeee.” Travelling with kids is, to say the least, eventful. We’ve all been there, we’ve all wanted to own a special remote control that could just mute them until we reached our destination. Like, we love them, but come on.

We have good news, though. Such remote control exists! No, it’s not that. But there are ways to make car trips (or trips in general) nicer for the whole family. (more…)

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Healthy Breakfast Ideas to Start the Day with Energy

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Some kids –and some adults too –are not really into having breakfast, at all. And, even though we are not here to claim breakfast is the most important meal of the day, we do believe it is very important for kids to have a proper and complete healthy breakfast to get through the day. (more…)

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5 Tips to Make Your Kid Get Up Early Without Anyone Crying (Much)

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From the creators of 9 Tips to Make Your Kid Sleep Without the Whole Thing Becoming a Drama arrives How to Make Your Kid Get Up Early Without Anyone Crying (Much)We know, we know, it sounds like Sci-Fi. Every time your alarm goes off, you just feel like snoozing forever, but you can’t. You mustn’t. You must get up and deal with… THE KID. Or even THE KIDS. (more…)

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Best Chores for Kids by Age: Everyone Can Help!

Asking a kid to set the table for lunch is usually a total pain. So much so that many times we end up doing it ourselves. Huge mistake. If our toddler/kid sees us do chores we had initially asked them to do, they’ll think they can get away with not helping at home! And believe us, trying to get a teenager to collaborate will be a lot harder… (more…)

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Reading: At What Age Should I Expect my Kid to Do It?

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Do you remember reading (or rather pretending to read) your favourite stories when you were a little kid? Or begging your parents to read you (just once more!) your favourite book? Learning to read is a big deal for every kid. And for their parents. But when should your kid be able to read a book or a short story? Should you worry or is your kid totally fine?

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