New Web and Blog! New design, play our games & a lot more!

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Hey, we have some amazing news: after several weeks of hard work; of doing, undoing, redoing and undoing again, we’re out, and super excited. If you ever came across our website before, I bet you’ve noticed the huge differences right away. If you’re new, you will just enjoy our new colourful and beautiful design. Whatever your case is, let us tell you how our new web and blog have changed! (more…)

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Hilarious Things Kids Say (and Sometimes Make a lot of Sense)

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It’s widely known that kids and drunk people never lie. However, kids are funny and drunk people… not so much so. Anywho, we all have suffered experienced the brutal honesty of kids. From a simple “but mum, you are ooooold” to a more sophisticated statement like “boogers are poop from your nose, so I don’t eat them”. So, we’ve surfed the internet, the world wide web, in search some of the funny things kids say, aaaaaand… (more…)

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Funny Stages Kids Go Through (Without Exception)

Behaviours as old as time. No matter what, no matter when, no matter where, there are some funny stages all kids go through. Some of them are hilarious, some of them are sometimes embarrassing, some of them can be a bit annoying, but fortunately, they all just come and go. (more…)

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NYE: New Year’s Eve Traditions Around the World

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Somehow 2017 is already over. We know, we know, it feels like it was yesterday last time we counted down the last 10 seconds of 2016, and suddenly, New Year’s Eve has passed again. But, hey, is counting down the last 10 seconds of the year the way people celebrate NYE all around the world? (more…)

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Pacifier: Yes? No? Until When? Find Out!

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Oh… pacifiers. They do bring peace and happiness to the household, don’t they? However, many parents worry their child might become a pacifier-addict who won’t ever want to stop suckling. Well, let’s see what we can find out about pacifiers today! Should we fear them that much? Should we praise them? (more…)

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Low Grades: What to Do When Your Child Does Poorly at School

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Ideally, parenting would be super easy and every child would be driven, focused and would have a deep love for study. In reality, kids are not always like that, there are some unicorns, sure, but it’s not the most usual thing.

And, as parents, our first response when (or “if”) our child comes home with low grades, might be getting mad, punishing them or restricting their social activities. However, a study carried out by the University of Michigan has just proved this sort of approach actually just makes things worse. In this study, researchers asked the parents of 500 children what they would do if their kid got home with low grades. They sorted the parents’ responses into two categories: punitive and proactive. (more…)

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