Art and Nature

Art and Nature

Family Activities

Art and Nature. Today, we want to share some activities in nature, which are going to be a great family challenge and it will make the family walks more special. You’ll be able to relax and enjoy family time.

In Kokoro, we want to walk along with you to make this lockdown, which we are about to overcome, easier.

Family challenge. A walk with art and nature.

Family land art. Now that we can go out for a walk, we should use that time to practice fun activities while we walk with our kids. Spring is close and it will cover us with colors and flowers.

The activity consists of picking up natural elements such as leaves, branches, or rocks during our walks. Then, we should find a quiet place to make a piece of art with those materials (individually or in family), and give it a meaning or tell a story. Finally, we should take a photo for it to last.

Tips to learn and have fun with Land Art

Explore with Geometry

The Circle

I invite you to take a look at this post, that I love, about The Circle, in which a group of kids has worked on the circle with elements from nature.

Imagine how many mathematical and physical concepts we can experiment with: listing, colors, textures, categories, sequences, and forms. Try out the spiral or the eternal lines…

Paint with elements from nature

Through kid’s creative expression with art and nature or Land Art in kindergarten, we will be able to find out and help to develop our children’s artistic skills; their curiosity and imagination to experiment with natural materials, explore with physical concepts like size, color, shape, etc. We can also give them meanings and new experiences of enjoyment and creation. All of that allows the kid to experiment in a different way with the natural environments. The garden, the park, the mountain, the beach, or the field will be their canvas.

Artistic creations with rocks and leaves

I recommend you to visit the webpages of «Land Art» for kids and to look out for inspiration with authors like Nils Udo, Richard Long, or Andy Goldsworthy or «escuela in natura»

I’m sure you’ll like it.

In Kokoro we bet on family enjoyment, finding the magic in nature through the funniest games and activities.

“The kid, who has the freedom and opportunity to manipulate and use its hand in a logic way, with consequences and using real elements, will develop a strong personality.” Maria Montessori.

Photo from