Masters of Kokoro Kids: meet our characters!

Masters of Kokoro Kids: meet our characters!

Although we’ve already mentioned our lovely characters here; we feel they deserve a more-in-depth introduction. After all, they are going to guide your kid all along their learning adventure.

So… here it goes!

About the whole Kokoro Kids gang

Well, there’s 5 of them, one for every area of knowledge. But we bet you already knew that. Despite their completely different personalities, they all get along pretty well. Together, they are indestructible.

But it was not always love and happiness…

At the beginning, they all thought their area of expertise was the most important one. Sitting them around the same table to discuss stuff (no matter what, even if it was what to order for lunch) was impossible. Five egos, like a rock band, only worse.

But this was long before we met them. One day, they all came to terms with the fact that each area of expertise is equally important, and they are absolutely fantastic to work with!

You can meet them all in our app Kokoro Kids


Frida: Colors, Art, Drawing and Painting | lerninNeedless to say she loves and admires Frida Kahlo. She’s creative, strong and fearless. Incredibly passionate. And, just like Frida Kahlo, she’s just somewhere between reality and fantasy.

She is charge of Arts; so when your child starts recognising the different shapes and colors; or when you find them drawing, tracing and coloring, she’s the one behind!


Alan: maths and numbers | lerninHe loves Maths. He loves numbers. And he looks grumpy, but he’s just always super focused. Also –well, mainly –, he’s a big fan of the mathematician and computer scientist Alan Turing, creator of the Turing Machine (duh), and father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence –thus the Turing test! –.

Anywho, let’s get back to our Alan. He loves numbers, and he will make your child love them too! Honestly, it’s crazy how he comes up with amazing and fun numbers games.


Oooo… Nikola! He’s electric (impossible to say that sentence without singing to Oasis song)! Sorry, we’ll talk about music in a bit, now let’s get back to Science. Nikola is a visionary, just like the man he was named after: Nikola Tesla.

It’s not like Nikola thinks outside the box, it’s more like he lives outside the box. The box doesn’t even exist for him. And believe us, he’s amazing at making science even more fun that it already is!


Jane: ABC, Words, Vocabulary, Reading and Writing | lernin

Jane, our Jane. She’s a dreamer. Always in her own universe, creating, writing, reading, in love with love, in love with learning. Just like her greatest influence: Jane Austen.

With Jane, your kid will learn the alphabet, words, vocabulary… always while having fun!


Wolfie: Music, Instruments and Sounds | lerninOh Wolfie, what a genius. It’s not like he makes music, he lives it. Incredibly talented, and a true visionary. Like, the best musician ever, probably.

With him, your kid will learn about music: musical instruments –what they look like and how they sound –, music notes, songs… Isn’t it fun? Yes, it is. Very fun indeed. .

We hope you get to know and love the Masters of Kokoro Kids as much as we do! Tell us which one is your favorite on Facebook or Twitter!